Compare Files & Directory Using Python 'filecmp' Module

Comparing files and directories is a crucial operation in many programming scenarios. This post focuses on using the filecmp module in Python to compare files and directories. For those interested in comparing text strings, please refer to [Python] Using difflib Module for String Comparison.

What is filecmp Module

The filecmp module in Python offers functions and classes for comparing files and directories. It is an effective tool for file comparison, helping developers to identify similarities and differences between files.

Comparing Two Files

Using filecmp.cmp Function

Comparing two text files is a common requirement in various programming tasks. Python provides a simple and effective way to compare two text files using the filecmp.cmp function:

import filecmp

result = filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file2.txt')
print(result)  # Output: True or False

This code compares the text files 'file1.txt' and 'file2.txt'. If the content of the files is identical, the output will be True, allowing for a quick and reliable way to perform a text file comparison in Python.

Comparing with Shallow Parameter

Understanding the difference when the shallow parameter is used can be vital for precise file comparison:

# Shallow comparison
result = filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file2.txt', shallow=True)
# Deep comparison
result = filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file2.txt', shallow=False)

With shallow=True, the comparison is based on metadata, while shallow=False considers the actual content of the files.

Comparing Directories

Let's assume that there are two directory structures as follows.


Using filecmp.dircmp

The filecmp.dircmp method allows you to compare directories:

import filecmp

comparison = filecmp.dircmp('dir1', 'dir2')  # Output: Detailed report of differences
diff test/dir1 test/dir2
Only in test/dir1 : ['fileB.txt']
Only in test/dir2 : ['fileD.txt']
Identical files : ['fileA.txt']
Common subdirectories : ['subdir']

Understanding report_full_closure

For a recursive comparison, including subdirectories, you can use the report_full_closure method:

comparison.report_full_closure()  # Output: Detailed report, including subdirectories
diff test/dir1 test/dir2
Only in test/dir1 : ['fileB.txt']
Only in test/dir2 : ['fileD.txt']
Identical files : ['fileA.txt']
Common subdirectories : ['subdir']

diff test/dir1/subdir test/dir2/subdir
Only in test/dir1/subdir : ['fileC.txt']
Only in test/dir2/subdir : ['fileE.txt']

This function goes through all the levels of the directory, providing a deeper comparison.

File comparison in Python using the filecmp module offers a robust solution for developers dealing with various file and directory comparison needs. Whether it's a simple file diff or a more complex directory comparison, Python provides the tools necessary to perform these tasks efficiently.


  1. What is the 'filecmp' module in Python? The module is used to compare files and directories, identifying differences or similarities.
  2. How does the shallow parameter affect file comparison? With shallow=True, the comparison is based on metadata, while shallow=False considers the content of the files.
  3. Can filecmp be used to compare binary files? Yes, the filecmp module can compare both text and binary files.
  4. How can I compare directories recursively? By using the report_full_closure method in the filecmp.dircmp class, you can compare directories recursively.
  5. Is there a specific way to compare text strings in Python? For comparing text strings, refer to [Python] Using difflib Module for String Comparison on comparing text strings in Python.
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