Master the Running Python Scripts in React.js

Unleash the potential of Python and React.js to engineer high-performing web applications.

Python Meets React.js

Web development usually encounters a chasm between the front-end and back-end languages. Python, with its versatility, and React.js, with its dynamism, often stay worlds apart. Today, we'll bring them together and create a symphony of codes that takes your web app performance to the next level.

Environment Setup: First Steps

Embarking on our journey, we need Node.js and Python in our toolkit. If not already installed, you can download Node.js from here and Python from here. Once set, initialize a new Node.js project and install React.js using npm.

mkdir python-react
cd python-react
npm init -y
npm install --save react react-dom

The Python Bridge: Our Script

Craft a Python file,, to fulfill the back-end functionality.

def main():
    print("Python and React.js in harmony!")
if __name__ == "__main__":

This Python script prints a line when invoked, a simple functionality that we'll integrate into our React.js app.

Node.js to the Rescue: Child Processes

We need a way to run our Python script from within our JavaScript-based React app. Node.js provides the child_process module to spawn child processes. We'll use it to create a runPython function in runPython.js.

const { spawn } = require('child_process');

const runPython = () => {
  const process = spawn('python', ['./']);
  process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
    console.log(`Python: ${data}`);

module.exports = runPython;

Bridging the Gap with Express.js

To bridge our React front-end and Python back-end, we bring Express.js into the picture. Let's define an Express.js route in server.js that executes the runPython function and sends the result back.

const express = require('express');
const runPython = require('./runPython');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get('/run-python', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Python Script Executed');

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server listening at http://localhost:${port}`);

React.js Calls Python: The Front-End

Finally, we reach the front-end. In our React app, we'll make a GET request to our Express.js route to run the Python script. We'll use the axios package to handle HTTP requests.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
      .then((res) => console.log(
      .catch((error) => console.log(error));
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      Check the console!

export default App;


We've successfully run a Python script from a React.js application. A harmony of Python's versatility and React.js's dynamicity can create web applications with exceptional performance.


  1. Can we run any Python script in this way? Yes, you can run any Python script in this way. However, be cautious about the complexity of the script and how it might affect the performance of your React.js application.
  2. Is it possible to get the return value of the Python function in our React app? Absolutely! In our runPython function, instead of console.log, you can return the data received from Python. You can then modify the Express route to return this data to the React.js app.
  3. How can we handle Python script errors in our React app? You can leverage child_process's stderr event to handle errors. Inside the runPython function, add an event listener for stderr, which logs or sends the error to your front end for handling.
  4. Can we execute Python scripts from React Native apps? Running Python scripts directly from React Native apps is not straightforward since React Native runs in a JavaScript environment. However, you can run a Python script on a server and communicate with it from your React Native app using HTTP requests.
  5. Is this method efficient for larger applications? This method is suitable for lightweight tasks. For larger applications or more complex tasks, consider using a dedicated Python web framework like Django or Flask and communicate with it through an API.
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