Mastering Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case: A Guide to Naming Conventions

Naming conventions play a crucial role in programming, enhancing code readability and maintainability. In this post, we will delve into different naming conventions like Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, Screaming Snake Case, Kebab Case, and Hungarian Notation, providing examples and detailed explanations.

Camel Case

Camel Case is a naming convention where the first word starts with a lowercase letter, and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word starts with an uppercase letter. The name "Camel Case" comes from the visual resemblance to a camel's humps, where the capitalization of each new word forms a noticeable "hump."

myVariableName = "Example of Camel Case"

Camel Case is predominantly used in languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python.

Pascal Case

Pascal Case is similar to Camel Case but starts every word, including the first one, with an uppercase letter. Named after the Pascal programming language, where it was commonly used.

MyVariableName = "Example of Pascal Case";

This is common in object-oriented languages like Java and C# for class naming.

Snake Case

Snake Case utilizes underscores between words, and all characters are lowercase. This naming convention is referred to as "Snake Case" because the underscores create an appearance resembling a snake.

my_variable_name = "Example of Snake Case"

Snake Case is widely used in languages like Python and Ruby.

Screaming Snake Case

Screaming Snake Case is similar to Snake Case, but all letters are uppercase. Named for its emphatic appearance, as it looks like "screaming" text.

MY_VARIABLE_NAME = "Example of Screaming Snake Case";

Often used for constants in languages like C and C++.

Kebab Case

Kebab Case combines words with hyphens. The name "Kebab Case" comes from its resemblance to skewered kebabs, with each word separated by a hyphen.

my-variable-name="Example of Kebab Case"

Kebab Case is typically used in URLs and file names.

Hungarian Notation

Hungarian Notation prefixes the name of a variable with a type identifier, providing an immediate visual cue about the variable's type. Microsoft developer Charles Simonyi developed it, and because of his Hungarian nationality, it came to be named Hungarian notation.

strMyVariable = "Example of Hungarian Notation";

This convention was common in early Windows programming but is less prevalent today.

The choice of naming convention can significantly impact code quality. It not only facilitates readability but also helps in understanding the purpose of variables and functions. Understanding these conventions aids in writing clean, consistent, and efficient code, providing a standardized approach to development across various languages and frameworks.


  1. What is the main difference between Camel Case and Pascal Case? Camel Case starts with a lowercase letter, whereas Pascal Case starts with an uppercase letter.
  2. When is Snake Case typically used? Snake Case is common in languages like Python and Ruby for naming variables and functions.
  3. Is Hungarian Notation still in use? Although less prevalent today, Hungarian Notation is still used in some legacy systems and specific contexts.
  4. Why is Screaming Snake Case used for constants? Screaming Snake Case, with all uppercase letters, visually distinguishes constants, making them easily identifiable in the code.
  5. Can I mix different naming conventions in a single codebase? While possible, mixing naming conventions can lead to confusion. It's best to follow the standard practices of the particular language or project guidelines.
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