Mastering Node.js npm Commands: Install, Update, Uninstall

  • CloneCoding
  • July 27, 2023

The Basics of npm

Node Package Manager (npm) is an essential tool for any Node.js developer. npm provides a straightforward way to install, update, and uninstall Node.js packages. Let's examine each of these commands.

Installing npm

While npm is typically installed automatically when you install Node.js, there may be instances where you need to install npm separately. Here's how to do it.

curl -L | sh

If you already have Node.js installed, you can update npm to the latest version using the following command.

npm install -g npm@latest

Now, you are ready to use npm to manage your Node.js packages effectively.

Installing Packages

There are three types of installations you can perform with npm: global, local, and development.

npm install <package_name> // local installation
npm install -g <package_name> // global installation
npm install --save-dev <package_name> // development installation

Updating Packages

npm allows easy updates for your installed packages.

npm update // update all local packages
npm update -g <package_name> // update a specific global package

Uninstalling Packages

Removing a package is as straightforward as installing one.

npm uninstall <package_name> // local uninstall
npm uninstall -g <package_name> // global uninstall

Understanding Global, Local, and Development Installations

Each type of installation serves a specific purpose.

Global Installation

Use global installations for packages you want to access from the command line, regardless of your current directory.

Local Installation

Local installations are for dependencies of a specific project, installed in the node_modules directory of your current project.

Development Installation

Development installations are for packages used in development, such as testing tools or transpilers.

Armed with the knowledge of how to use npm commands to install, update, and uninstall Node.js packages, you can now manage your Node.js projects with greater ease and efficiency.


  1. What is npm?
    npm, or Node Package Manager, is a tool used by Node.js developers to install, manage, and distribute packages.
  2. What's the difference between global and local installation?
    A global installation makes a package available from the command line, regardless of the current directory. A local installation makes a package available only within the node_modules directory of the current project.
  3. What is a development installation?
    A development installation is used for packages that support the development process, such as testing tools or transpilers. They are not included when the application is run in production.
  4. How can I update a package?
    Use the npm update command to update packages. You can update all local packages or a specific global package.
  5. How do I uninstall a package?
    Use the npm uninstall command followed by the package name. This can be performed locally or globally.
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