[Next.js] A Simple Way to Use Environment Variables

Managing environment variables is a critical aspect of building a scalable and maintainable Next.js application. This article explores how to effectively utilize environment variables, including process.env.NODE_ENV, .env files, the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix, and more.


In Next.js, process.env.NODE_ENV allows you to access the current Node.js environment variable.

// Access the NODE_ENV variable
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV;
console.log(`Environment: ${env}`);
// Output: Environment: development

The code above accesses the current Node environment and prints it. In most cases, this will be either development, production, or test.

.env Files: Defining Environment Variables

Next.js provides several .env files for defining environment variables for different purposes and stages of development. Here's an overview of each file:

  • .env: This is the default file used to define environment variables. It is loaded in all environments.
  • .env.development: Specifically for the development environment, this file allows you to set variables for development purposes.
  • .env.production: Use this file to define variables needed in the production environment.
  • .env.test: This file houses environment variables for the testing environment.
  • .env.local: The .env.local file can override variables at the local level, excluding the test environment.

Priority and Overlapping Keys

In scenarios where variables are defined across multiple .env files, Next.js carefully loads these files in a specific sequence to determine which value should be used. If there are overlapping keys, the file with the higher precedence will override the value from others.

  1. Local Override: The .env.local file holds the highest precedence (1) and allows for the overriding of variables at the local level, except in the testing environment.
  2. Environment-Specific Files: The next in precedence (2) are environment-specific files like .env.development, .env.production, and .env.test. These are utilized to define variables for their respective environments.
  3. Default File: Lastly, the .env file has the lowest precedence (3) and is used to stipulate environmental variables that are loaded across all environments.

Consider, for instance, that you have the following definitions for the key API_URL in the .env files:

.env.development, .env.production, .env.testAPI_URL=https://api.env.com

Let's explore how Next.js loads these files to determine the value of API_URL in different environments.

In the Development Environment

  1. If .env.local is present and defines API_URL, then that value is used.
  2. Otherwise, the value from .env.development is utilized.
  3. If not defined in .env.development, the value from .env is adopted.

In the Production Environment

  1. If .env.local exists and defines API_URL, that value is employed.
  2. If not, the value from .env.production is taken.
  3. If not defined in .env.production, the value from .env is selected.

In the Testing Environment

  1. If .env.local exists and defines API_URL, that value is harnessed.
  2. If not, the value from .env.test is used.
  3. If not defined in .env.test, the value from .env is applied.

Bundling Environment Variables for the Browser

In Next.js, environment variables can be bundled and exposed to the browser to allow client-side code to access certain configurations or settings. This feature is particularly useful when you need to configure client-side libraries or services.

However, it's essential to be mindful of what variables are exposed to the browser, as this could potentially lead to security risks. Any sensitive information, such as secret keys or passwords, should never be included in variables that are accessible from the browser.

Using the NEXT_PUBLIC_ Prefix

To expose an environment variable to the browser, you can prefix the variable with NEXT_PUBLIC_. For example, if you want to make the API endpoint URL available to the browser, you might define the following in your .env file


This variable will be inlined into the JavaScript bundle and can be accessed anywhere in your client-side code using process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VAR.

Code Example

Here's a simple example of how you might use this variable in a React component

// Accessing the variable with NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix
const publicVar = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VAR;
console.log(`Public Variable: ${publicVar}`);
// Output: Public Variable: value

Security Considerations

As mentioned earlier, exposing environment variables to the browser requires careful consideration of security implications. Any variable prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ will be included in the client-side code and is accessible by anyone who views the source code of your web page.

Never expose sensitive information, such as secret keys or personal data, using the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. Doing so could expose this information to malicious users and pose significant risks to your application's security.

Managing environment variables in Next.js is vital for building robust applications. The various .env files provide flexibility and control over the environment-specific configurations. By understanding the precedence and proper usage of these files, you can enhance the efficiency and maintainability of your Next.js projects.


  1. What are the different .env files in Next.js?
    They define environment variables for different stages: .env for default, .env.development for development, .env.production for production, .env.test for testing, and .env.local for local overrides.
  2. How can I expose environment variables to the browser?
    Prefix the variable with NEXT_PUBLIC_. This makes it accessible in client-side code.
  3. Is it safe to expose all environment variables to the browser?
    No, avoid exposing sensitive information to prevent security risks.
  4. How do I manage overlapping keys across different .env files?
    Next.js uses the files' precedence to determine the variable value. Be mindful of this order.
  5. Can I override environment variables for specific environments?
    Yes, use specific .env files like .env.development or .env.production. .env.local can override variables locally, except in tests.
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