[Python] Checking for Substrings: Using 'in', 'not in', 'find'

Strings are essential in programming. This post explores specific Python string operations: 'in', 'not in', and 'find'. These operations are crucial in various applications, and understanding their functions and implementations is vital for efficient programming.

Checking for Substrings using 'in' and 'not in'

Using 'in'

The 'in' operator in Python allows you to determine if a substring exists within another string. Here's a simple example:

substring = 'world'
main_string = 'Hello, world!'
exists = substring in main_string
print(exists)  # Output: True

This code snippet checks if the variable substring is present within main_string, and the result is printed, showing True.

Using 'not in'

Contrarily, the 'not in' operator checks if a substring does not exist within another string. Sample code:

substring = 'Python'
main_string = 'Hello, world!'
not_exists = substring not in main_string
print(not_exists)  # Output: True

Here, the code returns True, since the substring is not present within main_string.

Finding Substring Position with 'find'

The find method helps in finding the index of the start of a substring within a string. Example code:

main_string = 'Hello, world!'
position = main_string.find('world')
print(position)  # Output: 7

In this code snippet, the find method returns the index 7, which is the starting position of the substring 'world' within main_string.

If the substring is not found, the method will return -1. Here's a sample:

position = main_string.find('Python')
print(position)  # Output: -1

This indicates that the substring 'Python' is not present within main_string.

The exploration of 'in', 'not in', and 'find' operations in Python provides valuable insight into string manipulation. Utilizing these operations contributes to more effective and streamlined code, enhancing overall programming productivity.


  1. What does the 'in' operator do? The 'in' operator checks if a substring is present within another string, returning a Boolean value.
  2. Can the 'find' method search for multiple occurrences of a substring? No, the 'find' method returns the index of the first occurrence only.
  3. Is there a difference between 'not in' and using 'in' with a 'not' operator? No, using 'not in' or 'not' with 'in' achieves the same result of checking if a substring is absent in another string.
  4. What if the 'find' method is used with a substring that occurs multiple times? The 'find' method will return the index of the first occurrence of that substring.
  5. Can these string operations be used with variables containing other data types? The 'in', 'not in', and 'find' operations are specific to strings in Python. Trying to use them with other data types will result in a TypeError.
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