[Python: os.system, subprocess] Executing Programs & System Commands - A Comprehensive Guide


In a world driven by automation, having the ability to control system-level commands can save both time and effort. Python, a versatile language, offers several ways to execute system commands and run external programs. This guide will focus on the use of os.system, os.popen, and the subprocess module to give you precise control over system-level interactions.

Using os.system

The os.system command allows us to run shell commands directly.

import os

exit_code = os.system('echo Hello, World!')
print("Exit code:", exit_code)


Hello, World!
Exit code: 0

In the above example, we are using os.system to call the echo command. The exit code provides information about the success of the operation.

Using os.popen

The os.popen function allows you to run a command in a subshell and provides a file interface for reading or writing.

import os

file = os.popen('echo Hello, World!', 'r')
output = file.read()
print("Output:", output)


Output: Hello, World!

This snippet demonstrates how os.popen can be used to read the output of a command into a variable.

Using subprocess.Popen

The subprocess module provides more control over the command execution process. Using subprocess.Popen, you can execute a command, retrieve its output, and manage the process more flexibly.

import subprocess

process = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'Hello, World!'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
print("Output:", output.decode())


Output: Hello, World!

Here, subprocess.Popen is used to run the echo command, and the output is captured for further processing.

subprocess.call and subprocess.run

Both subprocess.call and subprocess.run are convenient ways to run shell commands. Here are examples to demonstrate their usage.

# Using subprocess.call
exit_code = subprocess.call(['echo', 'Using call'])
print("Exit code using call:", exit_code)

# Using subprocess.run
result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'Using run'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print("Output using run:", result.stdout.decode())


Using call
Exit code using call: 0
Using run
Output using run: Using run

These methods enable easier execution of commands, with subprocess.run providing more features in Python 3.5 and above.

Executing system commands and running external programs is an integral part of many automation and integration tasks. Python's flexibility with modules like os and subprocess makes these tasks more accessible and maintainable. Whether you choose os.system, os.popen, or the more powerful subprocess methods depends on the specific needs of your application. Experimenting with these examples will help you grasp the functionalities and apply them in your projects.


  1. What are the main differences between os.system and subprocess? os.system is simpler but offers less control, while subprocess provides more functionality and control over the process.
  2. Can I capture error messages using these methods? Yes, subprocess.Popen and subprocess.run allow capturing both standard output and standard error streams.
  3. Is it safe to execute commands this way? Care should be taken to avoid code injection and other security risks, especially if the command includes user input.
  4. What if I need to run multiple commands in sequence? You can use these methods in a loop or chain commands using shell syntax within a single call.
  5. Are these methods platform-independent? While generally platform-independent, some specific shell commands may not work across all operating systems. It's best to test on the target platform.
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