[Python] Resolving 'command not found' Error - Setting PATH Guide

Understanding the Error

The error zsh: command not found: python typically occurs when the Python interpreter is not correctly set in your system's PATH.

Solution 1: Check Python Installation

First, ensure that Python is correctly installed.

$ which python

If no path is returned, Python may not be installed. To install Python:

$ brew install python

Solution 2: Correct the PATH

The system needs the correct PATH to locate Python.

$ echo $PATH

Ensure that the output includes the path to Python. If not, add it:

$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Afterwards, restart your shell or run:

$ source ~/.zshrc

Solution 3: Use a Version Manager

Utilizing a version manager like pyenv can often alleviate these issues.

$ brew install pyenv
$ pyenv install 3.9.0
$ pyenv global 3.9.0

Remember to add pyenv to the PATH if needed.

In many cases, one of these solutions should remedy the error. It's essential to understand the root cause to apply the most appropriate fix.


  1. What is the Zsh shell?
    Zsh is a powerful shell that offers features not presented in other shells. It's customizable and often preferred for its user-friendly features.
  2. How do I switch back to Bash from Zsh?
    Simply type chsh -s /bin/bash, and then restart your terminal.
  3. Why is it important to add Python to the PATH?
    The PATH environment variable helps the system locate executables. If Python isn't in the PATH, the system won't know where to find it.
  4. What if I have multiple versions of Python installed?
    Using a version manager like pyenv can help manage and switch between different versions.
  5. Is the error exclusive to the Zsh shell?
    No, similar errors can arise in other shells if Python isn't correctly set in the PATH.
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