[Python/shutil] File Copying Techniques: shutil.copy, shutil.copyfile, shutil.copy2, shutil.copyfileobj

The shutil library in Python offers various functions for copying files and directories. In this post, we will examine five methods: shutil.copy, shutil.copyfile, shutil.copy2, shutil.copyfileobj, and shutil.copytree. We'll examine their differences and understand their applications through examples.


The shutil.copy function allows us to copy the contents of a file to another location. Here's a simple code snippet demonstrating its use

import shutil

source = 'source.txt'
destination = 'destination.txt'

shutil.copy(source, destination)

In this example, the content of source.txt is copied to destination.txt. If destination.txt does not exist, it will be created.


Unlike shutil.copy, shutil.copyfile only copies the content of the file, ignoring any metadata such as permissions. Here's an example

import shutil

source = 'source.txt'
destination = 'destination.txt'

shutil.copyfile(source, destination)

This code will copy the content from source.txt to destination.txt, but without copying any file metadata.


The shutil.copy2 function behaves similarly to shutil.copy, but it also preserves the original file's metadata, such as timestamps. Here's how it's used

import shutil

source = 'source.txt'
destination = 'destination.txt'

shutil.copy2(source, destination)

The content and metadata from source.txt are copied to destination.txt.


The shutil.copyfileobj function is used to copy the content of a file object to another file object. Here's a practical example

import shutil

with open('source.txt', 'rb') as src, open('destination.txt', 'wb') as dest:
    shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest)

This code reads the content from source.txt and writes it to destination.txt.


The shutil.copytree function is used to copy an entire directory tree. Example

import shutil

source_dir = 'source_directory'
destination_dir = 'destination_directory'

shutil.copytree(source_dir, destination_dir)

This code will copy the entire content of source_directory to destination_directory.

Comparison Table

FunctionCopies ContentCopies PermissionsCopies MetadataUses File ObjectDestination may be Directory

The shutil library in Python offers diverse functions for copying files and directories. Understanding their differences ensures efficient file management.


  1. What's the main difference between shutil.copy and shutil.copy2? shutil.copy copies content and permissions, while shutil.copy2 also includes metadata like timestamps.
  2. Can shutil.copytree copy nested directories? Yes, shutil.copytree recursively copies an entire directory tree, including all nested directories and files.
  3. How does shutil handle symbolic links? By default, symbolic links are followed. Use the symlinks=True argument in shutil.copytree to preserve symbolic links.
  4. Can shutil.copyfileobj copy between remote files? It works with file objects, so it can copy between remote files if they can be represented as file objects in Python.
  5. Is it possible to copy files with specific extensions using shutil? Yes, you can use Python’s glob module with shutil to filter files by extension and copy them accordingly.
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