[Python] Starting/Ending Strings with Specific Characters or Words: A Quick Overview

Explore Python techniques to ascertain whether a string commences or concludes with specific characters or words. Delve into the proficient utilization of 'startswith' and 'endswith' methods, which form the bedrock of text processing and manipulation.

Utilizing the 'startswith' Method

The 'startswith' method in Python is employed to establish if a string initiates with a designated substring.

Example 1: Fundamental Application

text = "Python is amazing"
result = text.startswith("Python")
print(result)  # Output: True

In this illustration, we verify whether the string text embarks with "Python," which it certainly does, yielding the output True.

Example 2: Employing Tuples

text = "Python is amazing"
result = text.startswith(("Python", "Java"))
print(result)  # Output: True

Here, we confirm if the string starts with either "Python" or "Java." As "Python" is a match, the result is True.

Utilizing the 'endswith' Method

The 'endswith' method closely parallels 'startswith' but assesses the string's conclusion.

Example 3: Basic Application

text = "Python is amazing"
result = text.endswith("amazing")
print(result)  # Output: True

In this instance, the outcome is True since the string text culminates with "amazing."

Example 4: Implementing Suffixes

text = "Python is amazing"
result = text.endswith(("ing", "ed"))
print(result)  # Output: True

In this case, the method verifies whether the string concludes with either "ing" or "ed," and returns True as "ing" matches.

Mastery of the 'startswith' and 'endswith' methods in Python furnishes vital instruments for manipulating text. These methods expedite swift and effective checks for particular patterns, and the ability to employ tuples confers adaptability in addressing multiple scenarios.


  1. Can 'startswith' and 'endswith' be used for case-insensitive checks? Certainly, you can deploy the lower() or upper() method alongside these functions to facilitate case-insensitive verification.
  2. Is it feasible to specify a range for 'startswith' and 'endswith'? Yes, both methods admit optional parameters for initiating and concluding positions.
  3. What kinds of arguments do 'startswith' and 'endswith' accept? Both methods can accommodate strings, bytes, and tuples containing strings or bytes.
  4. Do 'startswith' and 'endswith' function with multi-line strings? Indeed, these methods are compatible with multi-line strings, treating them as continuous character sequences.
  5. Can these methods be employed with non-English characters? Absolutely, 'startswith' and 'endswith' adhere to Unicode standards and seamlessly handle non-English characters.
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