[Python] Understanding Print Function: Mastering %d, %f, %.nf, %s, %c, %x, %X, %o, and %%

Understanding Integer Formatting (%d)

In Python, you can print integers using the %d placeholder.

value = 10
print("Count: %d" % value)


Count: 10

This code snippet uses the %d format specifier to print an integer value.

Floating-Point Formatting (%f and %.nf)

Floating-point numbers can be printed using %f. You can also control the number of decimal places with %.nf.

price = 12.34
pi_value = 3.14159
print("Price: %f" % price)
print("Pi: %.2f" % pi_value)


Price: 12.340000
Pi: 3.14

Here, %f prints the floating-point number, and %.2f prints the number rounded to 2 decimal places.

String and Character Formatting (%s and %c)

Use %s for strings and %c for characters.

name = "John"
character = 'A'
print("Name: %s" % name)
print("First letter: %c" % character)


Name: John
First letter: A

Hexadecimal and Octal Formatting (%x, %X, and %o)

For hexadecimal and octal representations, %x, %X, and %o are used.

hex_value = 255
oct_value = 64
print("Hex: %x" % hex_value) # Lowercase
print("Hex: %X" % hex_value) # Uppercase
print("Octal: %o" % oct_value)


Hex: ff
Hex: FF
Octal: 100

Escape for Percentage (%%)

To print the percentage sign itself, use %%.

percentage = 75.5
print("Percentage: %.2f%%" % percentage)


Percentage: 75.50%

Using .format and f-strings

You can also use the .format method and f-strings for more flexible printing.

value = 10
print("Count: {}".format(value))
print(f"Count: {value}")


Count: 10
Count: 10

In conclusion, the Python print function offers a wide range of formatting options, allowing for precise control over the output of integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and other data types. By mastering these techniques, you can enhance the readability and presentation of your output.


  1. Can I use the print function to print to a file? Yes, you can redirect the output using the file argument in the print function.
  2. How do I print without a newline character at the end? Use the end argument, e.g., print("text", end='').
  3. Is it possible to print variables of different types in a single statement? Yes, using f-strings or .format, you can mix various types in one print statement.
  4. What's the difference between %f and %.nf? %f prints the full floating-point number, while %.nf allows control over the number of decimal places.
  5. Can I print special characters using escape sequences? Yes, you can use escape sequences like \n for a newline, \t for a tab, etc.
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